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I was born in Dalian, a beautiful coastal city where I started my musical journey when I was four. I spent a few years singing in a Children's Choir until I was nine. I started to learn Pipa (Chinese Lute) when I was seven.


I moved to Xiamen, where I achieved my bachelor's degree in Music Performance from Xiamen University (2012), majoring in Pipa, minoring in Ruan(plucked stringed instruments) and Ocarina. During my undergraduate studies, I formed bands, participated in music competitions, and performed at many quality events in China. In February 2012, I represented my university to perform with the student art group in Liberia and Nigeria. Later in May, I held my solo concert at Xiamen University.


In 2013, I came to Wellington, the coolest little capital in the world, to work for the Confucius Institute at Victoria University of Wellington as a Mandarin language assistant for two years. I worked in the Confucius Institute's office. I assisted in teaching Chinese language classes to students at Victoria University and offered Chinese language classes for primary school-aged children at a community centre. I also offered music workshops in schools and communities and performed in quality events. 


In 2018, I completed my two years of music therapy training at New Zealand School of Music at Victoria University of Wellington and graduated with a master's degree in Music Therapy in December. I had eight months of work experience in a Special Learning Centre at a primary school with children with autism, intellectual disabilities, and challenging behaviours. I also worked in the children’s ward in a hospital and a Specialist Hospital, working with people with dementia as a part of my music therapy training in 2016 and 2017.

Since 2018, I have worked as a Registered Music Therapist and I am passionate about helping people to reach their potential and build connections through positive music-making. I have worked with children with special needs at schools and adults with dementia and mental health disorders at rest homes and daycare centres. Since September 2020, I have worked for the Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust, delivering individual and group music therapy sessions to children and adults in Whangārei. As New Zealand’s only music therapy trust, Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust is one of my dream workplaces where I can offer quality music therapy service to all people, whatever their needs in a rewarding and supportive environment. I feel so grateful to choose to be a music therapist because my desire to help people who have complex needs could be realized through my music.

My music therapy work is person-centred and strength-based. I particularly enjoy working with children.  I believe that children are kind, sincere, enthusiastic, and generous. When they express these characteristics and feelings, we all receive a kind of therapy. I also benefit greatly from the experience of working with elderly people. I love the positivity when people and music come together and I feel that  I now have a better understanding of how to care for them with patience and compassion.

Apart from music therapy works, I worked for the Confucious Institute at Victoria University of Wellington and China Cultural Centre in Wellington as a Discover China music instructor and a music teacher from 2018 to 2020.


我来自大连,四岁加入童声合唱团,7岁开始学习琵琶。毕业于厦门大学,音乐表演专业,主修琵琶,辅修阮和陶笛。2012年, 我作为厦大艺术团的一员,赴非洲利比里亚和尼日利亚进行为期半个月的访问演出。 同年5月,我在厦大艺术学院音乐厅举办了个人的毕业音乐会。2013年至2014年,我曾担任维多利亚大学孔子学院的汉语助教老师,致力于汉语教学和中国文化推广。2018年12月,我获得了维多利亚大学新西兰音乐学院的音乐治疗硕士学位,并成为了一名新西兰注册音乐治疗师。在音乐治疗学习期间,我曾在惠灵顿当地的儿童医院、老人院和一所小学的特教中心实习。 毕业以来, 我在惠灵顿当地的一所特教学校,几家老人院和慈善组织担任音乐治疗师的工作。我也曾在2018至2020年间担任惠灵顿维多利亚大学孔子学院“发现中国”文化项目的音乐老师, 惠灵顿中国文化中心的琵琶老师。 2020年9月, 我有幸加入了新西兰Raukatauri 音乐治疗中心(新西兰唯一的一家音乐治疗中心),为Northland地区的孩子和成年人提供音乐治疗服务。


●Won the gold prize in the Chinese traditional instruments competition at the Cross-strait Art Festival in Fujian province, China, in 2009.

●Won the gold prize in Chinese traditional instruments competition in Chinese Music Star Selection in Fujian province, China, in 2010.

●Won the honourable prize in Chinese Traditional Instruments competition in Chinese Artists Selection in Fujian province, China, in 2010.

●Won "Guanghua" scholarship and was honoured as an"Outstanding Student Leader" at Xiamen University, China, in 2011.

●Honoured as an "Excellent student" and "Excellent graduate" at Xiamen University, China, in 2012.

●Achieved International Chinese Teacher Volunteer Certificate, in 2015.

●Achieved Yoga for Kids and Families Teacher Training Certificate, in 2017.

●Granted full registration as a Music Therapist in New Zealand, in 2020.

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