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I worked for the Confucius Institute of Victoria University as the “Discover China” programme's Music Instructor from 2018 to 2020. I run music workshops in schools and communities.



I love sharing my music with people. We interact enthusiastically and we sing, dance and play rhythm patterns together. I feel delighted and empowered when I am sharing music with people because we spread happiness and love among people.

我热爱音乐, 乐于分享。当大家一起唱歌,在节奏中起舞的时候, 我感觉备受鼓舞, 因为我们在音乐中传递着爱与快乐。

I offered Discover China music workshops in schools and communities in New Zealand. It included Te Aro school, Kahutara school, Chilton Saint James School, Wellington East Girls' College, Queen Margaret College, Institute of the Pacific United, Rotorua Boys' High school, Rotorua Intermediate school, Western Heights High school, Kaitao middle school, Otonga Primary school, Kaharoa school, Tauranga Oropi school, Tauranga Intermedia school, Tauranga Girls' College, Otonga Road primary school, St Teresa school, St Joseph School, Wa Ora Montessori School, Sacred Heart School, Mt Cook school, Onslow college, Waikanae school, Our Lady of Kapiti school, Te Horo school, Kapanui school, Raumati Beach school, City Kids preschool, Victoria University, Lower Hutt Library, Wellington City Library, Johnsonville Library, Karori Library, and Naenae Library.


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